This is my story.

I have been teaching graphic design since 2012 when an opportunity presented itself at Martin College Design School in Darlinghurst. As a Council Member for the Australian Graphic Design Association I began facilitating design students in the fine practice of graphically representing information to effectively create meaning in a message using colour, symbols, shape, graphics, photography, illustration, animation and typography in a creative and fun way.

Currently, I am a student at Western Sydney University undertaking a Master in Teaching - Secondary Education course so that I can participate in helping young people learn all aspects of graphic design and visual communication, with a focus on the Multimedia syllabus as well as the Design and Technology curriculum. My task is to obtain my NESA accreditation or licence to teach at a local High School.

In 2020 I attended Macarthur Girls High School in Parramatta for term 3 and experienced first-hand what it's like to be in front of young Stage 4 and 5 Technological and Applied Studies students. I am keen to continue on my journey with more positive learning experiences that teaches me how to be a better teacher so that I can share my knowledge with young people wanting to learn visual communication to creatively express themselves and their ideas.